73 questions tag!

So I saw Emily Rose whose blog I love do this 73 question tag, and just thought it would be a fun thing to do and for people to get to know me a bit better if any one is bothered haha!

What’s the best thing that has happened to you this month?

I’ve booked to go to Rome with my mum in September and getting a tattoo whilst I’m there, so excited!

What’s the best thing that has happened to you this year?

If we’re counting as in a year from today, then I’d say meeting my boyfriend last September, meeting my now best friend Lara and going to Amsterdam with her in June, and getting a new job. Think that’s all!

What’s the best thing ever?

My family, my boyfriend, my friends, my cat, makeup, sleeping, feeling really happy.

What’s your favourite season?

Summer definitely! Although this insanely hot weather we’ve been having in England is a bit much for me, but I hate winter!

What’s your favourite holiday?

Can I say my birthday? haha, I’m not a massive fan of any of the holidays really, but if I had to pick one it would be Halloween coz dressing up is fun!

Would you ever live anywhere besides the city?

Yes, by the beach definitely! It’s my dream!

What’s your favourite ice-cream?

Ben and Jerry’s half baked! I also love mint chocolate chip, and the pistachio one they do at Thaymar’s ice cream parlour!

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Depends how lazy/tired I’m feeling.

What’s your favourite dessert?

If you know me you’ll know what a hard decision this is as I’m such a sweet tooth. Something chocolate and gooey is my favourite though I reckon. And I never share pudding!

Cake or pie?

Cake. Cake. Cake.

What’s your least favourite food?

I’m pretty picky with food, but lamb has to be the worst and the smell is terrible. And poor baby lambs!

What’s your favourite condiment?

Is it basic to say tomato sauce?

It’s brunch, what do you eat?

Pancakes with maple syrup, strawberries and bacon! I could eat breakfast foods for every meal of the day.

What’s your favourite colour?

Rose gold 🙂

What colour dress did you wear to your prom?

Pale pink with a black bow.

Blow dry or Air dry?

Air dry always! About a year ago by hair started snapping due to poorly trained hairdressers (that’s me putting it nicely) so ever since then I’ve taken super good care of it and only ever have a blow dry when I go to the hairdressers to get my roots done every 2 months. I only wash my hair 2/3 times a week, always at night then I put it in plaits to let it dry then take it out in the morning! No blow drying or straightening!

Do you think you’re strong?

Physically not that much haha, mentally I can be sometimes.

Who’s a person you would love to have a coffee with?

I don’t like coffee so I’m gonna change it to having cocktails with Rihanna!

When was the last time you cried?

A couple of weeks ago I think!

Who’s the last person you texted?

My boyfriend 🙂

Twitter or Instagram?

Instagram definitely! All I follow are accounts of makeup, kittens and tattoos.

Who should everyone follow right now?

Me obvs haha, but no, my friend Lara Duncan she’s beaut, foster_kittens for the most adorable cats, and Nikkie Tutorials and Sonjdra Deluxe for makeup!

Had you ever had anything stolen from you?

I actually don’t think I have, touch wood! I’m very lucky.

Favourite country you visited?

I went to New York City 2 years ago and fell in love!!!

Last country you visited?

Netherlands, I went to Amsterdam in June.

Country you wish to visit?

Omg the last is endless! Pretty much everywhere in America, Australia, Italy, Japan, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland, Bora Bora and Canada. Basically everywhere!

First pet?

My cats Poppy and Splodgie.

Favourite Disney animal?

Wow that’s tough… the Aristocats!

What are you doing tomorrow?

Going to work same as always! I’m a marketing assistant in Leeds.

What are you most excited about in life right now?

Going to Rome with my mum and getting another tattoo there! And hopefully going on holiday with my boyfriend for our one year anniversary. And hopefully going to America with Lara next year. All travel related!

What book are you reading right now?

I’m in between book, I just Nod by Adrian Barnes – I couldn’t stop reading it, basically the majority of the world stops being able to sleep, I love all that apocalyptic stuff! Now I’ve just started The Electric Kool-Aid Acid test haha, it’s a book about hippies!

A book you read because everyone else was reading it?

I don’t normally go for books like that, but probably fifty shades of gray which was shit so I’ll never read an overly hyped book again!

What are you completely bored of right now?

Social media. I still use it but it does my head in most of the time!

What’s your favourite beverage?

I’m loving peach lemonade at the minute!

What’s your favourite cocktail?

Pina Colada! It’s delicious when made right. The best one I’ve had was at Lost in Amsterdam.

What would you order at a drive thru?


What’s one thing you still have from your childhood?

A dog teddy from when I was first born! It’s sat on my bed right now.

What’s your favourite current TV Show?

I don’t really watch much TV to be fair, my favourite shows are The Walking Dead, Gossip Girl and New Girl. And Friends obviously! The only thing I’m really watching atm is Eden on Channel 4.

What’s a movie that made you cry?

Marley and Me, I don’t really cry if humans die, but if an animal does I’m a mess!

Who do you miss the most?

My grandad who isn’t with us anymore. And I always miss my boyfriend!

What’s something you can’t do?

Cook! I’m really not very good at it, probably because I hate it haha.

What are your nicknames?

Jazz. And my boyfriend for some bizarre reason has started to very affectionately nickname me trollop hahaha! My family call me Paz as well.

What makes you laugh a lot?

My friends, boyfriend, family! Also people falling over lol, I’m so mean.

Heels or Flats?

I do love a good heel! Although flats are so comfy, impossible decision!

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?

Oh god this is hard as I’m a pretty boring person haha. I’d probably say booking a trip to Rome to get a tattoo in September!

What’s one thing you’ve wanted to do but been scared of?

Going travelling by myself! I’d love to do it but I’m not very good on my own!

What’s one thing you’re most proud of?

Graduating from uni last year with a 2:1 in BSc Geography. Honestly didn’t think I could do it, uni was such a struggle for me and it was a hard 3 years, so I’m proud I got through it with the grade I wanted!

What did you want to do with your life at age 5?

At that age I used to change my mind all the time about what I wanted to do! Ballet dancer, sweet shop owner, archaeologist, working in the rainforest! I’m not doing any of these things now haha, but the rainforest makes sense since I’ve now got a degree in physical geography!

Dogs or Cats?

Cats, no contest. I’m such a crazy cat lady!

What’s the most important thing someone can learn?

Sounds proper cringe, but to love and value themselves!

Bath or Shower?

It depends! I love a nice bubble bath and candles when I need to relax, but I like a shower when its hot or I need to wake myself up!

Mountain hideaway or Beach house?

Definitely beach house! My dream is to live by the beach one day.

What’s your favourite scented candle?

Hmm probably lavender.

If you could spend three months anywhere, where would it be?

Travelling around America!

Are you messy or neat?

I’m very neat, everything has to have its specific place and has to be in order.

What’s the first thing you do each morning?

Put my alarm on snooze and cry hahaha.

What do you have for breakfast?

Always cereal! My morning is not complete without it.

What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed?

Normally text my boyfriend and cuddle my cat Alfie. Such a soppy answer.

What’s one skill you wish you had?

To be able to draw! When I was younger I wanted to be a fashion designer, but realised this wouldn’t happen as I couldn’t draw for shit haha.

What’s your favourite pizza?

Margherita, I’m basic I know.

Describe your ideal man in 3 words?

Trustworthy, loving and funny.

Who was the last person you spoke on the phone too?

My boyfriend, when I could pull him away from his playstation haha.

At what age were you the happiest?

Probably like 5 or 6, everything was so simple then!

What’s the last thing you ate?

Fish, chips and peas! Not from the chippy though.

Where do you go when you need to be alone?

I don’t often like being alone, but if I do I’ll just chill in my room, no place better than my bedroom!

What’s the biggest thing on your mind right now?

What to do with my life!

What’s the best activity to do at home on a rainy day?

Cuddle up with films and snacks. I tried to persuade my boyfriend to make a blanket fort with me the other week when it was raining but he wouldn’t haha.

What are you listening to right now?

Bruce Almighty on tv.

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you about life right now?

Hard question, some parts of my life are higher than others!

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I’m so picky with food, the weirdest thing for me was probably mussels but I actually really liked them!

Is there a dessert you don’t like?

Absolutely nothing, I love dessert! Such a sweet tooth.

What is the farthest you have been from home?

New York City, best place I have ever been, so far!

So that’s the end of the 73 questions! I really enjoyed doing it and hopefully it lets people know me a little better! I’m not going to tag anyone specific, but if any bloggers read this, do your own 73 questions and let me know when you’ve done it!

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